A Not-So-Sunrise Quiet Time

So, a new thing I’ve been trying out lately is waking up early enough to go to North Lakes Park (a local park here in Denton) to run, watch the sunrise, worship and spend time with the Lord. I love being in nature; it helps stir my heart to worship God, who created it all.

Well, this past week I had only waken up one other time early enough to actually do all that, so yesterday (Friday) morning I was determined to wake up in time to run and worship God, while watching the sunrise, and to read some of God’s word. And I did it! I woke up right when my cranky alarm sounded, jumped my feet to the ground, quickly changed, and headed out the door so proud of myself… only to find that it was raining. Bummer. However, I remembered a summer I spent in Colorado and how I loved running during the afternoon showers there, so I decided to run despite the weather, grabbed my rain jacket, and headed back out the door. I had no idea if I’d get to watch the sunrise this morning since it was rainy and cloudy. “Of course it’ll be bright enough to burst through the clouds,” I thought. I was wrong. After I finished running, it was well past 7:00 am, and there was no beam of sun in sight. “How am I suppose to worship now?” I asked myself. During my run, I began listening to a sermon entitled “No Matter What, Worship” from a podcast I follow. How timely! The rest of my quiet time was spent finishing the sermon and praying that God would help my heart to worship Him despite the circumstances. There’s nothing much deeper than that… just another reminder of another simple truth that I’m constantly needing reminded of.

O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water… Your unfailing love is better than life itself; how I praise you! -Psalm 63:1, 3 (While David was in the wilderness of Judah)

Thank You that You are always good, no matter what. Please help me to trust in that. Help my heart to be like David’s who can worship You while he’s in the wilderness and scared for His life. May I worship You no matter what. May my life proclaim Your praises. May Your love be enough. Amen.


Raegan Running in the Rain


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