The Proposal

After nearly a year of dating, I expected that Jeff would ask me to marry him soon. For Christmas break we went to Chicago with his family, and I was hoping that he wouldn’t propose there (I thought he may because it was a special occasion). I wanted him to do it in Denton, where we both met, began dating, and currently live. After finding out that his sister would become engaged while we were in Chicago, I knew Jeff wouldn’t do it then– one engagement per trip is plenty. So, if he wasn’t proposing during our Chicago trip, that left our one year dating anniversary on January 9th, which he already made sure I’d leave open for us to celebrate.

On January 5th, him and I made plans to work at a local coffee house, Jupiter House. However, before working, he told me he needed to talk to me about something, which worried me. We talked through a few difficulties prior to and during our Chicago trip, so I thought it had to do with one of those. While I waited for Jeff to pick me up, I tried to think through the possibilites of what he wanted to talk to me about and prepare my mind for another difficult conversation while also telling myself it may not be that big of a deal. After a somewhat awkward ride to the Denton Square, I got out of the car and began walking along the sidewalk (I hate cutting through grass, which Jeff knows) to Jupiter House; however, Jeff lead us across the courthouse lawn (clue #2). Usually I would have mentioned how I’d rather take the side walk, but since I didn’t know if he was upset with me or not , I decided to not let it bother me.

Side note: While we were visiting Chicago, I was looking at his photos on his phone, and he frantically took his phone from me, making it obvious that there was something he didn’t want me to see. When I questioned him about it, he refused to show me, saying that he will show me later (clue #1).

Back to the story: Randomly in the middle of walking across the lawn Jeff told me that he could show me the picture he wouldn’t let me see in Chicago. “Okay,” I thought, thinking he meant once we stepped inside Jupiter House.

“Close your eyes,” Jeff said, and he began talking to me about how he feels about me and how he’s seen God bringing us together. While he was talking, I heard his voice move from being level to my head to about level with my knees (clue #3). I knew the moment that I’ve been earnestly praying about and eagerly looking forward to was about to happen…

“Raegan, will you marry me?”

I opened my eyes to find Jeff kneeling on one knee and holding open a small box containing something sparkly. “Yes!” I said, simultaneously realizing that we were standing in the spot where we first said I love you.

Across-the-street view from where Jeff proposed.

Across-the-street view from where Jeff proposed.

I said, “Yes!” I was (and am) SO glad that Jeff knew I’d expect him to propose on our one year anniversary and decided to ask me a few days before so that I’d be surprised. I cannot wait to be his wife, and I could not ask for a better husband.The Ring

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